2023-11-14  APPG Meeting

Please click to find the Minutes of APPG LVC meeting held on 14th November 2023.

And click here for the Briefing Paper – "Cost of Living Crisis: Energy Costs and Natural Resource Rents" 

The original AGENDA for this meeting can be found below:

All Party Parliamentary Group on Land Value Capture

Held online Tuesday, 14 Nov 3.00pm – 5.00pm

Quorum (The quorum for a formal meeting of the group is five Members of either House, including at least one MP for election of officers).

1. Welcome and apologies (Chair)

2. Minutes of 05/09/2023 meeting (matters arising as per items below)

3. Briefing Paper. Cost of Living Crisis: Energy costs and natural resource rents (Joe Bourke)

4. HS2 and Hong Kong Rail plus Property model.

5. APPG LVC communications strategy (Ed Randall)

6. AOB

7. Next meeting – rescheduled presentation to Parliament on Council tax reform

8. 2024 meeting schedule and work program

Please see supplementary information at http://www.c4ej.com/appg . Presentations may be recorded and made available on the APPG web site.