APPG LVT Meeting
11 July 2023
Meeting to be held online, 3.00pm – 5.00pm
Welcome and apologies (Chair)
Minutes of 15/05/2023 meeting (matters arising as per items below)
Why we need a green land value tax and how to design it (Professor John Muellbaeur) [see link 1 below]
APPG/UWL Final report on Council Tax Reform (Joe Bourke)
Arrangements for committee room presentation and deposit in HofC Library.
Briefing Paper. Cost of Living Crisis: Land Value Capture, rents and benefit reform (Minimum income guarantee and housing benefit) [see link 2 below] – Joe Bourke
APPG Challenge Leaflet (Ed Randall/Heather Wetzel)
Maintenance of Website (Ed Randall)
Next meeting – 5th September 2023
Please see supplementary information at Presentations may be recorded and made available on the APPG web site.
Note: Quorum (The quorum for a formal meeting of the group is five Members of either House, including at least one MP for election of officers).